My wife dislikes my (obnoxious) ripping on this movie. Lindy did it better than I ever could. In short, none of the vignettes in "Love Actually" are actually love. OH SWEET IRONY.
My wife dislikes my (obnoxious) ripping on this movie. Lindy did it better than I ever could. In short, none of the vignettes in "Love Actually" are actually love. OH SWEET IRONY.
Valid point.
Anyone who was alive for the OJ trial knows that an acquittal != did not commit the crime.
Hopefully VodkaSamm and Rob Ford are up for voting tomorrow. In this case, PEDs (is crack a PED? Vodka?) will help their candidacy.
When you lead with the Buttfumble, diminishing returns are inevitable. But these last HOF candidates are in the Jeff Conine/Ryan Klesko tier.
My only regret is that we can't posthumously also enshrine the Rosencopter.
Drew Magary. He's the reason this site remains successful.
This is awesome. Good work, Deadspin. You're doing public service here.
Best Deadspin comment ever.
Not if you've actually had expertly prepare brisket in Texas. Bruschetta or whatever his name is has not.
You're an idiot. If that makes you a Cardinals fan, congratulations, bask in the conundrum.
Stereotypes are a fun way to not have to think.
No snark. You must also believe Al Qaeda is a great representative for all Muslims.
This was a fun read. Good job.
It's amazing Deadspin allowed this to run, given their new business model. Must be paid content.
Unrelated thing > Stupid comment
Cool story, bro.
Yeah, I still don't buy it. There's a reason all Gawker sites encourage their authors to bait and troll, and it isn't just for shits and giggles.
It won't stop until you do 18 more stories about the Cardinals. Maybe 27, to be safe.