
I’ve been hearing that stuff lately. I produced a highly detailed breakdown of what I’ve been doing every day for years. Then I still get “I don’t know what you do.” Fuck you, man. It’s right there.

I was thinking about applying for a FMLA leave. Just a month or so.Try to get myself back on track. I just feel like crap, hating everything, am mentally barely moving, but forcing myself in since I have to.

I feel this way too. I know it’s because of the stupid stuff that I have no control over. It just wears on me.

I was looking at a house a few weeks ago and they claimed the mortgage would only be $1220/month. Rent was $2000.

Thanks for responding. That’s not the huge help I was hoping. I probably need to give up freelancing on the side. But I use that money for travel and keeping my name out there.

We’re paying $18,000/year to rent. The low-end homes cost $500,000. Supposedly, a mortgage would be cheaper each month. However, I have zero plans to live here any longer than I have to. I hate spending such crazy amounts of money, but the only job I could find was here and we’re just safely middle class.

So how seriously does having a kid affect what you owe in taxes?

Me too. I used to write comprehensive journal entries when I was younger. Now I rely on: my chat records with my BFF and Twitter & FB posts.

This. I always thought I’d care about this customization crap, then I got my first car and realized I was too cheap to pimp it out. My phone has a nice, durable case (because I keep dropping it, dammit). It’s a huge thing that no pocket can contain, but I’m fairly certain I could body slam someone with it and it won’t

For me, the problem isn’t that I don’t do great cover letters (apparently I write awesome ones), but I suck at job interviews. I don’t do anything outrageously wrong, but apparently I’m horrible at it since no one ever wants to hire me. On the other hand, I’ve got a growing profile in my field as a person-to-know on

I think you may be on to something.

I run a podcast. Would a Snowball be just fine? Current mic is attached to some cheap headphones.

I run a podcast. Would a Snowball be just fine? Current mic is attached to some cheap headphones.

No one-night-stands here, but even after time with the SO, I hop up and go on with my life. Like maybe once a year I’ll want to lay around and talk/cuddle/sleep. Normally it’s just “Okay, this is done. Time to go back to doing my own thing.”

Nice! We have separate rooms where we spend 80% of time apart from each other. We’d probably kill each other in a 1 BR apartment.

For me, it’s that I’m treated with a condescending hand:
1) Can’t possibly hold doors for myself and they’ll refuse to go through a door if I open it
2) Freak out if I offer to help pick up boxes to carry to storage — oh no, I’m too delicate
3) Everyone else comments about the boys’ club since I’m purposefully shut out

Me too. He was waaaay older and very touchy. Management should have stepped in.

Strangely enough, when I worked at a big box retail store, there were at least 7 women who had hysterectomies.

When my SO found a white hair on me, I felt a huge rushing sensation. And I knew with 100% certainty that the way I reacted to it would really define who I was as a person. So while mentally screaming (I was only 25), I very calmly asked him to pluck it out and show it to me. I now have around 30 — just around my

Thanks for the response.