
As someone who grew up with Mortal Kombat, I kind of agree.... but I don’t think it’s the gore that gets to me... personally, it’s the tone & suffering that makes it unbearable.

Yeah. I don’t need to see that shit. There’s enough bad shit rattling around in my brain from real life as is.

God I must be old, but ugh, this is too violent for me. 

“Hey, why won’t white America acknowledge these injustices?”

I really enjoyed Solo, more than Rouge One actually. It is a shame it did not do as well in the theaters.

That he’s not a completely gullible rube?  This story has red flags flying all over the damn place.

...uhuh. Pretty convenient. Person just sounds like a compulsive liar seeking attention. 

I wonder if Aquaman will attack the Giant Enemy Crab for Massive Damage. 

I am still blown away that apparently the current producers are making a trilogy of films from an established universe without any overall framework of a story. They are winging it. With a billion $$ property. Amazing.

the level of PC in the world today is disturbing.  Everyone lighten the fuck up.

Chill, child.

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

I think the launch failed because they didn’t properly calculate the weight of the massive balls on these guys. 

Oh my, that is a curious take. The defender had full control over his body. He did not have to twist himself a single bit to follow the new rule. He landed akwardly, just like many defenders before who hurt themselvelves in the process of tackling an opposing player. He could have landed on his stomach without breaking

Most overrated developer of our time

  • Wear sunscreen

Don’t wait. It’s a worthy addition to your library, not some after-thought.

I enjoyed SOLO, on the scale of Star Wars movies I think it was in the middle of the pack. I just don’t understand the hate some people give this movie, most people without even seeing it.

Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.

I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.