
This comment section should go well.

Star Wars names are not only silly, but for some unknown reason they also seem obsessed with making them very similar to names in other recent stories, which makes for even more confusion.

I was holding out hope for “The Han Solo”, myself.

Anyone suffering from this addiction can cure it by playing Borderlands for about 10 hours. You’ll never want to open a fuckin box again as long as you live.

It’s a Cadillac.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

That makes two of us. Nothing mysterious about that line at all, and that’s probably what the scriptwriters meant at the time.

That Revengeance clip is what happens if your PC can’t maintain 60fps.

Calm down, Nancy- I was goofing on your sentence structure.

Thanks, Yoda.

It’s not “gamer” culture that’s assholes, it’s people in general.

“I find your lack of paste disturbing”

Well shit, there goes the next 15 minutes of my life...

Who decided to make the power cord on that robot so short that there’s tension on it when it turns? GAH!

Weird, I have the exact opposite reaction- I find it corny and distracting. It’s a trailer, not a music video.

So it’s a Kia Stinger, right?

Tires are sagging from underinflation, the detail job is horrible with tire dressing splattered everywhere, and the silly DEALER MUST REMOVE plastic that is not factory (but everyone thinks was) will leave sticky residue on the floormats.

Not a real good showing here by the Dealer, but I guess Mr. $90k disagrees.

While he’s at it, he should also carefully return the wheel/tire combination to something not atrocious.

That’s just because there was no Internet when RoTJ came out. If it released today, all the forum fanboy speculation bullshit would be running wild too.

These videos have the potential to be cool, but they go by so fast that it’s more frustrating than informative or interesting.