
The Obi-Wan ghost is extremely suspicious. Does this herald the appearance of a CGI Alec Guinness in Last Jedi, a la Peter Cushing in Rogue One?

I agree, and I wish I could ignore the trailers and info from this point on.

Darmok and Gelad, at Tenagra.

I’m surprised they didn’t go with “savage”, followed by “DEAD” as their response.

A black car?

Sandor, is that you?

Why do 90% of the people in this video look 14? Am I that old?

I don’t know why husband made me laugh so hard, but here we are.

Good thing Tesla is boldly changing the face of auto retail and not engaging in the exact same things people cry about car dealers doing.

“Terraforming add-on”, aka: “Giant Penis Creator”.

Nice swirl marks. What did he wash it with, a flannel rag he found in a dumpster at the beach?

“Evidence” was a strong word. Let me rephrase that as “many signs point to...”. He repeatedly implies it in interviews, and logic can fill in the blanks.

He opened up the patents in hopes that other companies would build electric cars and become customers for his battery gigafactory.

Same applies to white players- look at Tim Tebow.

They moved a bad character out of the way for a good one. End of story.


Worked okay for Keaton to Kilmer and Kilmer to Clooney and Clooney to Bale and Bale to Affleck.

It was inevitable.

Comparing actual sales of a $35,000 product to $1,000 “reservation” customers that may or may not complete the transaction is disingenuous at best, and blatant bias at worst.