
5 years ago Mitt Romney tried to warn everyone that Russia was the largest geopolitical threat of today, and he was laughed at by the sitting President and media. If people had listened to him, we might not be dealing with ANY of this.

Republican voters don’t have the market cornered on stupidity.

Fucking Quintana, man.

If the Internet has taught me one thing, it’s that I fuck it.

You beautiful son of a bitch.

Now playing

No “Burden in my Hand”? Fucking heathens.

“Best DCU movie yet” is faint praise, though.

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Remember when Obama and everyone in the media made fun of Mitt Romney for saying Russia was the biggest geopolitical threat?

It’s virtue signaling at its finest, just like the “ice bucket challenge” or “push-ups for vets” or any other stupid fucking Facebook or pro sports meme in the last decade.

Lol “toxic”.

That damn game. I went from “never using the screenshot feature” to “taking a screenshot every 5 minutes” over the course of playing it.

Nice to see a bunch of people who aren’t the best based on skill, but rather who can find the perfectly broken controller.

“Triage” is actually a battlefield medical term relating to the process of determining which patients need the most urgent care based on the severity or survivability of their injury. Today, the waiting room in an ER is referred to as “Triage”, where the same process takes place.


Potentially cool story ruined by shoehorning in the transgender angle. Seriously?

I only let my kids play with people I’ve verified to be other kids (by their voices, at least). Unfortunately, that didn’t stop one of their friends from inviting a stranger into a minecraft game and my kids getting PMs saying “FIST ME”. People behind keyboards turn into savages.

Treat the cause, not the symptom.

First of all, it’s “yolk”, not “yoke”. Those are two totally different things, but of course you know that, because you’re a paid writer.

Haven’t you he heard? Everyone is gay or trans now. Everyone. Otherwise you’re a bigot.

Wikileaks is such a hilarious political football.

Equivalent carbs and sugar to three Snicker bars- and people wonder why America has an obesity/diabetes epidemic...