
You know literally nothing about Christianity.

I know I’m 3 months late, but I just saw this article. You might choose to “hear no lies”, but that must mean you haven’t read the DoJ report where they definitively refute the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie that was spread in the aftermath. The witnesses disproved it AND the forensics disproved it. His hands weren’t

I’m surprised Jezebel had the integrity to publish this story instead of burying it. Good on you for maintaining a semblance of impartiality.

“Are you sure you’ve got one?”

Remember when all you idiots laughed at Romney for suggesting Russia was the biggest geopolitical threat today? Remember when Obama mocked him and said the 1980s wanted their foreign policy back? Remember when Harry Reid influencing the election by spreading “fake news” about Romney not paying his taxes?

Not going for a “hot take”, and I’m probably the biggest Ico and SOTC fan you’ll find, but...

Considering they shoot practically the entire film in front of a green screen, I’d say yeah.

It’s spelled “scraped”.

I just went through some real bullshit to drag out my old PS1 and hook it up to an old TV in my house with RCA inputs so my kids could experience Parappa.

I liked the review a lot, but thought the interstitials about old FF games were corny and broke the flow for the reader. Maybe it’s because you’re obviously younger than me and so my experiences don’t mirror yours.

Hahahaha. You dipshits spent two weeks before the election running articles about how impossible it is to rig an election, how voter fraud doesn’t exist, and how Trump was a shitstain for suggesting he may not accept the results. Then he wins and you do a complete 180.

Thumbnail looked like an NES Mini. Got excited.

Read article. Got let down.

Is there ANYTHING you jackasses won’t make into “I’m triggered because Trump”?

It’s really funny watching liberals turn into conservatives overnight and start talking about shadow governments, executive overreaches and the dangers of consolidation of power.

Now playing

The ATS-V deserves an active sport exhaust, preferably one with baffles that correspond to the selected driving mode. It’s way too quiet for a car that has so much character.

I hate Trump with the fire of a thousand suns, but it still doesn’t prevent me from marveling at how Liberals and Progressives are retreating even further into their echo chambers and learning NOTHING from this defeat.

Story after story, comment after comment, about how everyone who didn’t vote for Hillary is WRONG

This is an outrage! What’s next- people dying in Harry Potter movies?

It’s a cruel tease to release a pre-rendered trailer that shows us what the game SHOULD look like on PS4...

A combination of bullshit clickbait headline combined with fake “news” meant to push a political agenda that’s revealed to be untrue in the body of the article.

I find it interesting that none of the options here include “Take a hard look in the mirror and consider that maybe- juuuuuust maybe- the majority of the country doesn’t align with your viewpoints like you’re convinced they do.