
Summary of comment section:

No. No you shouldn’t.

Oh my God, you people are killing me over here. The amount of posts about PURE EVIL or LITERALLY SHAKING WITH FEAR or UNCONTROLLABLE SOBBING are hilarious.

Almost half the country didn’t want Obama in 2008 and 2012, but you didn’t see colleges offering grief counselors and hundreds of sad little people on forums

He should be doing that in a confessional booth as he asks for absolution for supporting abortion, not as a joke for the cameras.

Your wish is granted.

Thank you. I’m so sick of everyone fapping all over the “zero fucks given” RX7 and Miata, with their stupid intentional rust and whatnot.

Hate to tell you chief, but that’s pretty much ALL journalism in this day and age. Take a look around any of these former Gawker sites and tell me how many stories you see with a Conservative slant.

The real outrage here should be Obama saying “Third of all”. Who does that? If you’ve got more than two things to say, don’t begin down the “____ of all” trail.

Come on, man.

+1. Awesome MGS reference.

That Beast head looks so pasted on, it’s absurd. The focus doesn’t even match Belle, FFS.

Not a good first impression. :(

This is the inevitable, hilarious result of the PC/Social Justice movement.

Why does everyone keep emphasizing that you can’t kill A PREGNANT WOMAN on screen? Every article on every part of Gawker has been telling me for the last 5 years that it’s just a clump of cells and not a person until it leaves the womb, so what’s the big deal? They’re just killing a woman with a parasite attached to

Remember this post? Told you so.

“Toxic chat”

Nice of them to keep us abreast of the situation.

I will gladly build a system inside that and place it next to my big screen in a place of honor.

But does it have Quiet humming the same 4 bars of fucking music over and over again forever during the entirety of each mission?

That's hilarious.

The whole thing went tits up.