
You literally just described the reason I didn’t play this or Destiny. Your description is EXACTLY how I imagined playing these games would be, and it sounds horrible.

Potentially confusing “Marketing names” have no place in a 4,000lb ball of steel and glass hurtling down the road at 65mph. It’s one thing to call a child’s toy “invisible ink” even though you can still kind of see it, but quite another to call a feature “Autopilot” when it still requires input from a driver in

Agreed. I thought the opening of the Press Release was pretty gross.

The article uses words like “erotica”, “arousing”, “kink” and “sexual” dozens of times.

Right there with ya, buddy.

“Tax cut! Tax cut! Tax cut!”

Apparently the answer IS always Miata.

With a decent subwoofer, Thermal Imploders shake the whole damn house. It's my favorite part.


Excellent use of gif.

Yup. Not to mention having an established distribution network, experience sending out codes, a well staffed customer service center, etc.


Big games have delays all the time. But the level of incompetence on display with Mighty No 9 is on a whole different level. If I'd been waiting 3 years, I'd be furious.

People can talk shit about “evil big corporations” all they like, but this is why I prefer to purchase my games from large studios and publishers like EA, Activision, etc. I give them money, they give me product. End of transaction.

You mention a “problem with the parking brake” twice, but that’s inaccurate- it’s a problem with the transmission gear selector being confusing.

This is very important, and I hope you take the time to really think it through. Because the asshole who shot up Pulse would not have been stopped by any proposed law. Here’s why:

Thoughts on PC “upgrade”:

Actually you have that backward. Anyone else it would be "Stupid shit like this is why GM should have been left to go bankrupt, what moron approved this?!", but with Tesla it's "OMG, Lord Elon Stark and his gloriously awesome windshield are showing the Big 3 how it's done!"

Except Tesla will immediately know you've done so, and based on recent history, remotely downgrade your firmware and then probably ban you from buying another one.

Things like this happen to women every day all over the world, yet we’re not allowed to talk about it because doing so is “racist”. Asking for people coming from Muslim countries (where these “honor killings” are all too prevalent) to be properly vetted is “racist”. So we all hush, and focus on dumb shit, and it gets