
I have the R4 bundle with Jogcon controller. I don’t know why I saved it when I purged my collection, but there it sits. I can’t even figure out what it’s worth, since US versions rarely show up on eBay.

Is it me, or does this dude look like Bruce Campbell and Matt LeBlanc's love child? Either way, awesome story.

You’re too sensitive. I played the entire game and never once took notice of the brand of technology they were using.

...and have to rely on a company with ZERO experience handling customers on a large scale, which may end up being a nightmare.

Ah, the stories we’ll tell our grandkids around the Thanksgivig table...

As much as I really (seriously) love boobs, I have to agree.


I lol’d

Holy crap, that still works on people? Welcome to the Internet.

Is it hard work being this angry and condescending all the time, or do you just fill your underwear with fire ants each morning to make it come naturally?

Oh no, I have less than half a brain because I referred to a group of people as “gamers”.

And gaming websites too. Don't forget them.

I remember, years ago, when simply the sight of a nipple could produce an erection capable of shattering diamonds into a fine powder. After 20 years of Internet, though, unless there’s a donkey, a midget and a transsexual involved, I’m like “eh...”.

You obviously have no idea how gamers work.

“There’s an entire Wiki dedicated to explaining the requirements for bringing your girlfriend to orgasm.”

Yes, by all means, buy a PS4 if you struggle to afford PC upgrades. Then buy a PS4 NEO two years later for another $400. Then PS VR for another $300, and then you’ve spent as much as a good gaming PC.

Would you be surprised if a Conservative male (not a Republican, because they’re a fucking nightmare), came here just to say that your I found this post to be refreshing? Because I am, and it has.

I haven't head of that yet, but it sounds interesting. Is that available on the App Store or the Oculus Marketplace?

I don’t recall the Kotaku article about Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent, or Idris Elba as Heimdall, or Will Smith as Agent J. Outside of some absurd racist groups like CCC, no one else gave a shit either. Yet here's an article about ScarJo as Kusanagi.

I find it so odd how no one outside a small subset of racists seems to give a shit when white characters are recast with an actor of different ethnicity, yet for some reason the western outrage machine goes fucking NUTS when it happens the other way around.