
I enjoyed your work at Giantbomb quite a bit, so it’s really sad to see you get sucked into this disgusting cesspool at Gawker- where doxxing and personal attacks draw horrified outrage (unless they’re directed at heterosexual men, of course, in which case Gawker fully approves and supports).

I don’t think it’s permanent cross buy- just a preorder special.

“Intentionally”? Curious as to how you arrived at that conclusion.

If you preordered the XB1 version.

Hurr Hurr, not the point. Two games with the same fault, yet only one is described as “broken”.

I love that QB (which plays fine but needs a bit of tweaking) is considered “kinda broken”, yet games like Bloodborne have the exact same frame pacing issue and win universal praise.

Or even worse, a Moof milker.

You are a buffoon. He is owed that money under a contract he signed with 49ers, which they will pay him as agreed if he stays with them. It’s only if he goes to the Broncos, a team that did NOT promise him anything, that his salary may go down.

S owners are still happy because these are people accustomed to their $100k toys breaking down, and who have other cars sitting around to use while the Tesla is being shipped off for its 3rd drive system replacement.

Rejoice! Your wait is over.

I wonder how many realize that it’s an “up to” $7,500 credit?

Leaky roofs, creaking, rattles, leaking coolant, alignment issues, entire drive systems being replaced. The same company that initially said it was the best car ever now has it on their “not recommended” list.

Elon Musk finds yet another way to get hundreds of millions in interest free loans, and you suckers are praising him for it. They’re strapped for cash and the car is still over 2 years away, so they cook up this “reservation” deal and everyone bites. I’ve never seen someone run such a blatant ponzi scheme in plain

So you all were wrong.

The same is true of customers though. They aren’t upset about the price they paid for the car at a dealership- they’re upset because according to a website or forum, they could have done a bit better. The idea that someone got a better deal than them causes buyer’s remorse.

Negative- I'm basing my opinion on the photo at the top of this article.

What? Lookatit! It's so damn cute and not super dorky like the iQ and 500.

So now that Nintendo has made it clear her release is a result of employment policy and not the accusations leveled against her by the Internet, will you remove this story? Or will you let it stand with a lame ass “update” inserted underneath the scandalous (and incorrect) lede?

Because this, unlike the Fiat, doesn’t look like a fetid bucket of assholes.

I can’t stop laughing at how many raging liberals are now complaining about boobs and butts more than the Christians they used to mock for doing so.