
I was gonna get a candy bar; the button I was supposed to push was “HH”, so I went to the side, I found the “H” button, I pushed it twice. Fuckin’...potato chips came out, man, because they had an “HH” button for Christ’s sake! You need to let me know. I’m not familiar with the concept of “HH”. I did not learn my

Great- an entire comment section full of

You leave my Tachyon beam and deflector dish ALONE!

Looks like a really fun multiplayer game ruined by the unnecessary sexual content put there to get free media exposure and an instant crowd on Steam.

You're going to pay for gap one way or another. Doesn't matter if you pay your insurance company or an outside company, it ain't free.

It’s leagues better than the SRX, which even at 7 years old sells just fine without huge incentives.

Says someone who has probably never had a financed car declared a total loss due to fire, theft or accident. Owners are almost never made whole, unless they made a large down payment and took a short term loan.

“The service” is the key. They were probably using a menu system to offer you a package deal of services bundled into the payment (Gap, wheel & tire, prepaid oil changes, 1 yr warranty extension and key/remote insurance, for example).

Don't exaggerate- Gap is usually around $500, which would add about $10/month to your payment. The only way it would add 3 grand is if you financed the car for 10 years at 20% interest.

A quick scan of the comments shows no one concerned that Tesla basically “retaliated” by remotely downgrading his car’s firmware, which is ridiculous.


It's literally right there in the image.

EXACTLY. I was so excited for Shadow Complex on PC, and then raged when I had to download ANOTHER frickin launcher. A bit hypocritical of Sweeney here.

Why would you feel guilty about “relative privilege”? You broke the cycle and made something of your life, and I’m proud as hell of you even though I have no idea who you are.

Don't do that. Use this as a learning experience. People are much more concerned with how tolerant and progressive they APPEAR to be, even if that means being completely intolerant of other people. Weird, I know.

Of course. But in this case there are two conflicting ideologies at play, and I get a kick out of watching vocal progressives trip over their own beliefs when they contradict each other.

Great post. I feel bad, however, that you’re going to soon find out that most Liberals here are going to eviscerate you for not toeing the party line about evil white cis men.

Luke: “Okay, you passed the Jedi test of patience. Now I’ll climb on your back and you start running around the island.”

That Star Wars card is SOOOO fake, and I know because I have a photo of the real one: