Hey, y'all, watch this!

Exercise helps the brain retain the lesson.  I’m pretty sure that’s science. That’s why we never smoked our Soldiers; we just gave them “corrective training.”

Sometimes you can find actual discounted things there, but it’s pretty similar to thrift shopping in that it’s very hit or miss, you have to be familiar with the kinds of clothes you’re looking for, and you’re probably only going to find deals if you make checking there a regular habit. I mean, it’s less

You cruel, cruel woman.

Wait, which of my siblings are you?

I misread that as you using peanut butter to grease your pans, and spent entirely too long wondering how that worked.

Go Cocks!

My first car was a used LS300. It was perfectly okay until I totalled it. Not great, but okay.

Boiled peanuts are the way and the light. Also, regarding emails: select all, mark as read. You’re welcome.

Shut up, shut up, shut up. You’re gonna give 2016 ideas.

The NSA’s controls, since NSA information stays on NSA systems in NSA facilities. Contractors go through the exact same background check process as the government employees and military, too.

I hear such nice things about Navy docs and it makes me jealous. I am currently paying private doctors an awful lot of money to manage the long-term complications of a bout of Armydoctoritis I had a decade ago.

What? No. Boxer briefs > boxers. Aesthetically, anyway. I’m not trying to tell dudes what to wear on their butts.

Maybe if the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts.

Look, all I’m saying is either these elevators need servicing, or we have a vengeful ghost problem.

Really? I would have expected more injuries from people taking them too heavy.

Since always? I was an elementary school student in the school district in question *mumble* decades ago, and sandals were a-okay. I mean, highs are still in the nineties there right now.

I see people recommending MAC’s Russian Red and Ruby Woo, but no one mentioning Lady Danger. It’s my favorite bright red for warm undertones.

I see people recommending MAC’s Russian Red and Ruby Woo, but no one mentioning Lady Danger. It’s my favorite bright

That’s it. I’m officially an old.

How do they do their homework without their books, though?

As long as she didn’t talk about “the Iraq,” she can wear whatever.