
Who’s really that busy

Good Read, I’m currently reading “The Color Of Law” by Richard Rothstein it’s sad how systematic racism has stifled people of color from experiencing “the american dream”

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Wait I thought the dolls were a good thing? all the MGTOW, no-ma’am, waterbuffalo lodge basement dwellers would be stopped in their collective tracks of unwanted ogling and internet nice guy(tm) posturing. I for one love it at the very least it saves women in the sex industry from the potential danger of these types

What’s the difference between this scenario and Russell Simmons? how everyone has done an about-face to shame this young lady from the NY-Times, Jezebel, The Atlantic, I would really like to know where the barometer is on this.

You’ll never be as rich as Bezos stop deluding yourself with Tony Robbins talking points

The Pareto Principle is hard to beat my friend, life sucks but don’t let Patrick Allan’s condescension get you down.

Very true

I wonder how this Jells with the study that showed the hierarchy of online dating mimicked the general consensus of society with Black women and Asian men being the least desired and white men and women the most. 

I don’t understand why people continue to quote Seneca on affairs dealing with success, wealth, status, when his philosophy ran opposite to his actual life. He was extremely wealthy during his lifetime and yet spoke about the virtues of being poor or the dangers of chasing wealth when he himself actively acquired

Good on Drake, Next step Fire Baka and stop associating with him for his pimping and domestic violence

If he’s good enough to shoot Oprah he’s good enough for Conde Nast

Stop what speaking the truth? I’m sorry Judas and Kevin general statements are exactly that general and unless you have some proof to back up your position you are just posturing. As an Afro-Latino myself I’ve done my fair share of research not only on my lineage (Venezuela) but on our history as a whole, spent time

Being Dominican does not automatically denote African Roots, I have a co-worker who’s 100% white Dominican half his family comes directly from Spain (his great grandfather) and the other half are Dominican Criollo

Just wanted to follow up Abel admitted that although he was bullied in the past the day of the stabbing was the first day he had an altercation with the two kids he stabbed, this whole situation keeps getting worse. Parents, siblings, mentors please talk to the youth around you

But did you stab someone dead after being bullied now that is the question? All we have is the initial reports and a narrative is already being created to justify this senseless killing. This young mans photo and name (Mcree) is in all these major news outlets isn’t he under age? look at the photo they decided to use

That thing that thing that thing ♩♩♩

Your much looser moral compass is exactly why you shouldn’t be listened to in regards to issues of morality. Pewds is a dbag get over it this “in the heat of the moment” defense is hilarious. I always wonder if you in the heat of the moment I have no control type of guys call your mom a bitch when she punished you or

It hasn’t actually in the past record labels had “gate-keepers” who controlled what artist were given a shot and who wasn’t. In our current times due to social media etc anyone can get a shot which I don’t disagree with but for every H.E.R, or Frank Ocean you have a handful of Icejjfish, Kodak Black, XXXtentanction,