
Whatever you hear on the radio right now is a sign of what the state of the industry is RIGHT NOW. This is what people have agreed, with their wallets and ears, is feasible. That’s all there is to it.

The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, Let’s GO Sloane!!!!

And you are doing exactly that now

Correction they bought people and turned them into “slaves” I mean if we run with the Irish were slaves too narrative


Look what you made me do channel my inner narcissist and reply to events from years prior while I make no mention to my feelings on Trump or the events at Charlottesville

R.I.P Game Rebellion first saw them at Afropunk many moons ago

Trade the kid in for a newer model

Had to lol at this “real sect” of Islam by who’s standards? are Shia or Sunni real sects of Islam and what constitutes a real sect by your standard. Historically the first three “islamic” groups to take hold in the US were the Ahmadiyya (not accepted by mainstream islam), moorish science temple( also not accepted) and

Lol you can’t use that to support your own article the consensus seems to be against you on this one bud

Not necessarily true either

Project much? how do you all these things?

Go forth sweet prince and show mid-level management your denuma.

There goes standing up to the patriarchy and wearing my romper on casual friday

Patrick with another fail article but no worries you’re lucky for the critique.

I never said the Hasidim don’t fire guns I could pull up some articles on their illegal escapades with the NYPD over gun licenses to prove that point I just know in this particular instance that’s not the crowd this women was using as her “inspiration”

Well the bar is smack dab in a predominantly black neighborhood and the bullet holes were a “urban legend” the owner of the bar heard and ran with. I’m sure the Hasidim in the area weren’t testing guns in the now defunct illegal gun store Becca thought her bar used to be.  

New York does have a large Caribbean population and Minneapolis has a large Somali population how about we diversify that list Ethiopian in D.C would be cool too

If it was only that easy, there are people from the neighborhood that works for them one who decided to make the protest in front the bar into an us vs them situation as there were black people in the bar during the protest and white people outside protesting

I will gladly stand fo yo mama