
The 10 Guest DLM was ok, but a bit of a mess. I think the main issue was most of the guest were people you'd never heard of, so in this format especially it was hard to keep track of what was going on. I hope he breaks out this format again at the LA Podfest though, when he should be able to get plenty of regulars.

Nice idea, but I have a feeling they might think its a little too soon to do a Robin Williams joint.

I don't think Esposito is unfunny, but she goes to the "I'm a lesbian" well too many times in most of the shows I've heard her in (like her quote from YMIW), it borders on hack-territory for me.

"When the dude with puka shells runs away from you, you are on to something"

If you are not averse to spoilers, there is a Potente interview on starrymag.com where she gives away the answer to the cage question.

I think it was a smart move on his part. Get her mad enough to put you out of your misery, rather than keep getting tortured.

I think her show was called "Playing with Micucci," maybe she had both though.

Yeah, but Brady wasn't doing any of that as a rookie, so he's really not a good example at all.

Yep, the writer is Andy Greenwald and he said that he's loving it.

How has it not all been devoured by LSP herself?

Agreed, Fimmel would make an excellent Euron I think. Actually, his brother on the show (Clive something?) would be a more fitting Victarion. They both might be a little young for the parts though…

Puns over pedantry!

Switch my head in two places, this is my last resort.

A little premature to say Charlotte has lost control of her own story, isn't it? And we didn't actually see her agreeing to go on the run with Ray or did I miss that? I am assuming she will talk to Caesar and side with him.

3rd most popular sport? What are you counting Nascar or something?

It might be time to break out my plastic murder suit and pay Daniels and Spacey a visit.

The gu has red hair on its face, put your hands around its waist!

Oh, well for fuckin I'll take the powdered sugar.

Save your crumb topping for an apple pie, the chocolate-frosted are the superior Entenmann's.

I don't know, he didn't seem the type of character to not say exactly what he was thinking.