
The way Hamibal say "Wilgram" in these is delightful.

So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your models broke, you're coked
Your "kid's" a fat pussay!! (pizza! pizza!)
You just want past rapists to live in fear
Beat a guard, steal evidence from an orgy house, put the car in gear…

Scotty 2 Hottie is what Howard Kremer always refers to Scott as on his podcast, so I was happy to see Scott himself use it on an episode that Kremer was briefly in.

Even the drunkest of detectives would be able to deduce that Kitsch's character was protesting too much with that "fun" bank anecdote.

Season 6: Lady Stan-heart is coming

Of course, its about the city not the sport. Anyway, I am sure they'll make adjustments but right now the Warriors are playing like they just don't want it enough.

I for one am glad we have the books and show on divergent paths, if only to see the Lord of Bones go out like a bitch in two different ways.

Did anyone notice how when Mr. Eko was reading out Jorah's "credits" at the slave auction, he gave him Thoros of Myr's deeds from the Greyjoy Rebellion? I liked that little callback, along with Jorah "killing Khal Drogo in battle."

Well Doran is probably pretty pissed at them right now, so a dingy jail cell seems appropriate. Not sure where Ellaria is, but she's only the mother of the youngest one.

As a big Wallace & Gromit fan, I enjoyed how Finn was saying things "worked a treat."

I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Ramsay irritating Roose, so there's still hope.

Cersei must have gotten a little too day drunk and forgot to show up for this episode.

I don't understand why people think she was locked in a cell, there was never a scene that indicated that.

So Meryn Trant is on his way to Bravos. Good thing he doesn't know anyone there who wishes him mortal peril and has been associating with a cult of assassins…

They should have cut to the other two daughters looking at each other like "not this story again."

Obviously the offending term was "look-a-like," perhaps I should have used "doppelganger."

Jorah so desperate these days he's getting friendzoned by Dany prostitute look-a-likes.

Its essentially the number one tenet of improv, you always "yes and" to every suggestion. Agree with what your scene partner does and add to it.

I haven't given up on TFH, but I do feel like it has lost quite a bit of steam of late and I can't really put my finger on why. I always used to prefer it over We Hate Movies, but that made a flip starting a few months ago.

Flaying is for Boltons, Rickon will feed him to his direwolf.