
Season 2 has been better in my opion, although I still need to watch the last 3.

I must say I respect Wild Berry Princess a lot more now that I know she does executions Khal Drogo-style

I bet they retcon this line in next sesaon, either with Tyrion talking to someone (Varys?) or another character saying it.

C'mon Mance, you can't expect to light the biggest fire the North has ever seen and not have Melisandre show up.

Pennsatucky going to get her teeth fixed was kind of like Ramsay getting his legitimization on GoT. Both horrible people but you can't help feeling a tiny moment of happiness seeing them getting what they want the most.

Game of Thrones piece + Sonia Saraiya = just skip right to the comments

How is Malvo so misogynistic exactly? It seems to me that he treats everyone about the same way (screws with them unless he's maintaining a cover) regardless of gender. The main reason he's not seeing Molly coming is because essentially all other cops have shown themselves to be incompetent, and he clearly thinks he

Tonight on Game of Thrones: Prince Mark Ruffalo vs. The AIDS in a trial by combat.

Littlefingah (dun dun duh horns nshit)
He's the man the man who makes all the cash
He'd rule the ash

Ha yes I was trying to remember where I just heard that.

I didn't really take it as Floki being jealous of Ragnar, as that would imply he wants the things Ragnar has, which I don't think he does. I think its more that he's just tired of hearing Ragnar's name attached to everything, he's becoming such a ubiquitous presence and Floki has always been concerned about the gods

Can Stafford actually get anyone else the ball on a consistent basis though? He generally seems to struggle whenever Johnson is out.

Browns have potential. Top-10 defense and one of the best young receivers in the NFL.

Lets be honest, anyone who even knows Raylan is probably gonna get shot at some point, whether by his own hand or just association.

Deep cut- but did anyone notice that Ser Preston is apparently still alive on the show, despite never having been onscreen? In the book, he gets torn to pieces along with the High Septon.

I think that's why Tyrion sent him to the Wall rather than just killing him, cuz he knew they were undermanned.

Well, in the Woody Allen sense maybe.

Also why Mance Raydar and the wildlings are always drinking that Tim Horton's coffee.

Was the Tyrion-Oberyn talk the first time two American actors have had a scene together on the show?

Everything out of The Hound's mouth was pure gold, as if it came from Jaime Lannister's own right hand.