
"What the fuck's a Lommy?"

Leslie is going to need to conjure a smoke baby.

I think it would be funny if eventually everyone knows but Leslie.

Chaiken's line reading on the New Yorker joke was sublime, I don't know if I even want to watch any episodes without Dalia in them at this point. Dallas is a little more hit-and-miss, but everything she was doing in this one was hitting for me.

Its currently one of the deadest times of the year for major sports events, so you can't blame that.

Am I just sklonked up in the head or was Phlannel not supposed to be PB in disguise?

I really enjoyed their continual interjections of episodes people should be listening to instead of this one.

I see Stephens as more of the Jon Connington-type. He doesn't really have that brutish quality of Victarion imo.

Agreed. I guess I can understand if some people didn't like the "arty" episode from the middle of the season, but I can't see why people who liked season 1 wouldn't like the current one just as much if not more.

The old lady said he was Sam Tuttle's grandson, probably a Childress.

Well, when Rust talked to him at the school he had a beard so you couldn't see the scarring that well. Also, he had not heard about the scarred man in the first place at that point unless I'm mistaken.

Actually, Levy and Whitman are friends in real life. They guested on Doug Benson's movie interruption show together a while back.

I'm no expert, but this appears to be one of those "garbage people" that Nick was going on about.

Highly disagree. Jacobs is probably the funniest "non-comedian" guest in my opinion. She creates a nice strange energy with Scott and her chemistry with PFT is pretty undeniable at this point.

Dufresne crawled through a river of ship and came out clean (well, extremely bloody) on the other side.

Up top, baby!

Hopefully she will a-provolone for me, I could use the cash.

I have been a fan of the "winner comes back next week" system but I was disappointed to see "Mark Wahlberg" lose. Also it seemed like Doug actively wanted him to lose, what with bringing in Lil Wolverine and everything.

For me, Thune is a cut below Zouks and Schwazz and some of the other regulars. I find him perfectly amiable but I can't remember any of his appearances that I really though were hilarious.

Not my favorite episode ever, but any time we get this much Flame King I am happy.