
So we’re all just supposed to forget that Jordan tried to bring back the Hitler mustache, thus opening the door for the mainstreaming of the alt-right, and the election of Trump?

An important and self-fellating point I should also note is that nukes tend to score much higher on the ASVAB than other recruits. They pride themselves on being dorks, nerds, geeks, and overall smart people. Same with people using their GI Bill: they’re vets who are actively pursuing an education, or dependents of

I’m not much for buzzwords. I just think it’s good when people can see from others’ perspectives and recognize that not everybody enjoys the same position in life.

It’s really nice to hear privileged people acknowledge and own their privilege, and make an effort to see things from other, less privileged viewpoints.

I thought the use of safety pins to designate ally status was started as a result of Brexit and its resulting racist violence?

A note: Hillary Clinton won San Diego (where the jury will be selected from) with 56%.

Quick advice needed: about to have dinner with the Mother in law from the rust belt who probably voted against my brown ass.

The trial is set for November 28th? I thought that was Election Day?

I’ve found Maddow, Lawrence and Williams rather calming. The Warren interview that Maddow, did last night was the most comforting thing I’ve seen yet. Hayes and Matthews are freaking the hell out, though.

Well, what were you wearing when she did it?

How about people just stop fucking the Republicans?

That is some weird role play.

I must say, I enjoy missionary. Something about the way I’m made makes it quite advantageous.

I’ll say it again: just make sure you’re not fucking someone who voted against you.

Just make sure you’re not fucking someone who voted against you.

Also, in the two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, can you cool it in advance with your coverage of that? And during the San Diego Comic Book Convention, can you cool it with all the coverage about comic books, movies and cosplay? And really just anytime something is happening where a large amount of people would

yeah ashley, how dare you talk about something that will define a generation that happened three whole days ago?? these SJWs, so dramatic! /s

Keep it up, Ashley. You’re fuckin’ killing it.
