
Or we could just, ya know, abolish the electoral college and not essentially discount millions of minorities who voted for Clinton.

Fuck degrees- the maternal and infant mortality rate is higher here than any western world. I have two kids, I almost died with both and I will fight for every woman’s right to have autonomy over her own body. When men try to legislate this shit remember they couldn’t even deal with what woman deal with every fucking

She shouldn’t have used the Stevia.

You are kidding, right? Kasich doesn’t believe in a woman’s right to determine what she does with her body, said Planned Parenthood should be defunded, said he would ban same sex marriages,said the EPA should not regulate carbon emissions, supported fracking, said we need to invade Iraq to rid them of WMD (which they

Like the Republicans respected the office of the President by blocking every single thing Obama tried to do from day one while feeding the worst suspicions held up by the very man who replaces him that he’s not American, secretly Muslim and wants to destroy the nation.

if by “for all intents and purposes” you mean “in my pills and cheap-whiskey fueled fever dreams”

Because cybersecurity - and laws that stem from those efforts that affect technology, like SOPA and PIPA - aren’t tech news? Please. If you want to read tech reviews, CNET is over there waiting for you like a melted vanilla ice cream.

My hope is that, behind closed doors Obama said “This shit is serious. You’ve been spouting off for the last year and a half, now you just shut the fuck up and listen,” and just lectured him about the importance of the office of the presidency, the actual hard work it takes, that revenging petty little grievances

If we all keep shitting bricks, that’s how he’ll build the wall


In Trump’s America, Thunder’s afraid of dogs.

I don’t consider Trump racist or sexist because of his supporters. I consider him those things because of his own words. You’re making a fake distinction.

The problem is that he never REALLY denounced the KKK or made it clear to the American People that he does not support the KKK and that he does not want their vote.

I don’t think you saw the same debates and interviews that the rest of the world saw.

7. End Illegal Immigration Act Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after

Guys, I’m beginning to think Doc didn’t go to medical school.

It seems like Lebron helped create this atmosphere of speaking out and participating in social/political causes amongst his NBA counterparts, and goddamn it’s great to see someone with that stature take risks by doing so. He is the anti-Jordan and it’s awesome.

Love it. Nice to hear people who kids look up to say how they feel. The NBA seems like the only league these days with any brains.