
also, everytime that philosophy has been tried, it’s ended with income inequality, massive debts, and recessions

I’ve seen my roommates weird-ass hentai and this is far more disturbing.

I’ve found the best way to handle mealtime is to begin muttering “this means something” over and over while sculpting a mound of mash potatoes on your plate.

And my republican family members are going to be serving smugness with a side of passive racism instead of turkey and jello salad this year

I’m with you, and I’m sure she’s in it to make the greens the “good guys” here, but i don’t fucking care. Just glad someone is doing it.

I also feel like the saviours are the borg. You will be assimilated or be killed. You serve the collective and are disposable. There is no other depth or purpose there.

I have enough problems with despair and abnegation in my day to day life, even before you consider the broader world of politics. The Walking Dead was never going to be what I wanted it to be (clever people find some triumph over impossible odds) so I stopped watching years ago. The stuff I’ve read since (and the

Maybe, but I think it’s more likely that people are fed up because the show just cannot seem to be consistenly interesting. That’s part of why I stopped watching after last season. The Glenn dumpster fiasco was the tipping point for me, it was lazy writing, and a cheap gimmick cliff-hanger for the midseason finale.

I still watch the show out of my compulsive behavior to see a show through to the end. Yeah, I saw the Steve Carrell-less years of The Office.

They should cast a monkey sidekick. the ratings will skyrocket. That idea is free, AMC.

Well, he *did* say he would accept the results if he won.... :-/

At some point are the Democrats going to stop kidding themselves that not contesting potentially dodgy election results is going to result in a smooth transition to power? Because all appearances suggest the transition is not going smoothly, and is not going to go smoothly regardless of what the Democrats do, so maybe

How is there not an audit after every presidential election since the epic shitshow that was Bush/Gore?


Because I’m a navel-gazing liberal, I keep asking myself how I would react if the situation were reversed. If Trump had lost but his supporters were calling for recounts in key states with close results and this or similar evidence (they’re claiming illegal immigrants voted, not Russian hacking, right?).

I mean she literally has nothing left to lose while the country is standing to lose everything.

I’ve been avoiding these stories, because they’re too hopeful and 2016 has taught me that hope is lost.

Why not check them? If the results are the same, the right can go back to screaming SHUT UP WE WON to random Starbucks baristas and/or Broadway actors.