
He’s from Maine. How about Cujo?

You forgot the most important piece of Phillip Habib’s resume!

Fuck your false equivalence, and fuck your democratic piety, and fuck everything about your take.

Dubya was a cheerleader. Nixon played football.

What about Riff Raff?

You win.

Oh, no argument: it’s an objectively terrible film. There’s one half-decent joke, when they go to the downmarket casino and it’s all games like “Guess How Many Fingers I’m Holding Behind My Back.”

For some reason, the line “We enjoy your play, Mr. Papagiorgio,” has become an inside joke in my family.

Your problem is spelled “hamilton nolan.”

Oh, that one’s the worst. Do yourself a favor and go check out his Twitter pic. Looks EXACTLY the way you’d expect him to.

He didn’t. Look at them.

You’re flailing about, son.

Suuuuure, you were.

Chinese isn’t a fucking language, dumdum.

Here’s a quick tip, Bunky: if you’re sure the thing you’re about to say will be dismissed as racist, maybe you should wonder why?

I have a feeling that all the people in here screaming “pedophile” as the same ones who bring up MLK’s alleged plagiarism every single time his name’s mentioned.

NasalRadiator911 = moron comments.

If you’re really a navy pilot, then we need higher standards. You seem awfully dumb.

And that zeitgeist could never swing back the other way? You’re adorable.

Don’t respond to the troll pretending to be a Somalian Canadian homosexual, please. It doesn’t matter that the film was paid for by the Chinese and they wanted Matt Damon. It’s all colonialism or something and will end with the troll saying one of his little catch-phrases that no one ikes but him.