
Are you the John Rogers who knows Rick Jenkins from Boston?

Have you considered Bert Reynolds? He would bring something different to the role, I feel.

What's wrong with 8-tracks? It was the only portable format for a while and worked, you know: well enough.

Too tame for the jungle, too wild for the zoo.

Why would God...need a spaceship?

Intelligent thought, succintly stated. Thank you and I have now stolen it.

I don't know why, but this made me fall deeply, deeply in love with you.

Well, perhaps her karma isn't improved by constantly spouting off about it in interviews.

But he looks like...that.

She could take Life on Mars out behind the middle school and get it pregnant.

You must be from a different part of FL than me: in Palm Beach/Broward, we generally open with "What part of Jersey ya from?"

They're used a lot by urban police forces here, mostly for crowd control. They can go on the streets or the sidewalk and three or four of them abreast will get even the dumbest, drunkest crowd moving in whichever direction they choose.


She should have been condescended to: she's an idiot.

I'll believe it when the NFL loses its tax-exempt status.

Too many Senators and Congressmen like their season tickes to the Nationals for that to happen.

No. "Free speech" and the First Amendment are about limiting the government's power to stifle expression. Private businesses have always been able to tell people to shut up. Team oweners have always—rightly—been within their rights to say what can and cannot happen in their stadiums. It's the same reason why, say, the

Thank you. This has nothing to do with "free speech." Stadia are privately owned places of business and the owners/managers can decide (quite arbitrarily, but that's another thing) what can and cannot be said or displayed within.
