
Before I stopped taking Ambien I:

Not a lovely teardop?

Fuck hobbits.

Besides Wolverine (comic book version) and Puck, superheroes can't be 5'2".

You think she's his type?

So, words just mean whatever they want to you, too, huh?

You really think they're crazy? As opposed to lying to make a buck?

French has a cerntral authority. The Academie Francaise (I'm not bothering myself trying to figure out how to make foreign letters with my computer.)

It means "private law," you idiot. The etymology of the word is pretty easy: it's right there: "privi"= Private, "lege"=law.

Thank you. it seems like everyone involved in this case—save the person who was actually perhaps molested—is a complete piece of shit.

It's because you've said nothing worth commenting on. So I didn't, instead noting your shitty writing.

Explain it to me.

Please, you filthy pleb: you think that Keats rhymes with Yeats.

I wasn't assuming "someone" was. I was assuming that you were.


I'm keeping an eye on you; I'm standing my ground; I'm a defend my castle.

Oh, look: nine minutes this time.

You literally replied 10 minutes after I did for this post.

Why are you speaking when I clearly ordered you to kill yourself? You are not a ghost; you are a liar.

Yeah, it's definitely everybody else's problem when you're so shitty at communicating that no one gets your point.