Pistol Whipped Cream

Wrapped that up like a proper Top Gear presenter. I could almost read that in Richard’s voice.

I’d be cool with that since I was on the fence between the 2015 GSW TDI I bought and a GTI with performance pack. I’d like the GTI guts, rear suspension, and plaid seats while we’re at it. Then I’ll go back to product evangelizing. Right now, I’d suggest everyone considering a VW to go buy Outbacks, Tacomas, and Focus

When i was about 8 years old, my family had this huge vacation trip planned, and since my aunt/uncle was sleeping in my bed room I slept in the built out attic. I woke up to find that they had left me, which honestly wasn’t so bad, I had a bit of a party. Though these 2 guys tried to break into the house, and since I

Neutral: Pretend You’re A TDI Owner, What Do You Want The Fix To Be?

I had some lady say something to me the other day as I was coming out of a bagel shop.

Just reminding them what freedom looks like...

Yeah...he’s pretty good, I guess...

I can safely say no one guessed that it was Mr. Green in the lobby area with his fist.

I was joking to myself that he was probably cutting through downtown just to avoid all the terrible I-5/Hwy16 on-ramp construction.

Time to change their name to the San Francisco Third and Niners.

People who ask others for advice are often just looking for someone to blame if it goes wrong.

“But here’s the situation: if I even breathe the words “you should get” and the car has any sort of flaw or problem, I will be blamed for this flaw or problem.”

obligatory honorable mention

Should’ve been the lead photo.

Yeah the tail lights and the Toyota badging in the back make this thing.

I’m a huge fan of amber turn signals. I amazes me that they are not mandatory.

That’s Biff’s job.