Mysterious Atmospheric Event
Dude, I’m pretty sure that’s a Lamboat.
Of course Thomas doubts this story.
Have a Neato D75 and it is AWESOME. Seriously, haven’t vacuumed our main floor with a regular vacuum since we’ve had it (over 3 months now).
Have a Neato D75 and it is AWESOME. Seriously, haven’t vacuumed our main floor with a regular vacuum since we’ve…
Especially on carpet, they leave lines and make everything look orderly and clean.
Especially on carpet, they leave lines and make everything look orderly and clean.
Is that a vent, or just a shadow? Some pictures make it look like just plastic from the front bumper/grille surround, some suggest an opening. Do headlights require cooling now?
All ages: Dog
No ages: Cat
By Jealous, you mean distribution competitors, or the proletariat?
I also use bullet points when trying to convey a message. 100 words broken out into a few bullet points is more likely to be processed than a 100 word paragaph.
Good article. Saved.
I’m a something, Stef, can you Hellcat me?
The main problem is that the body manufacturer has limited runs of these. They make them 10 at a time. Its a similar story with the chassis manufacturer, but their typical runs are 8 at a time.
Doug...don’t listen to these amateurs. For real you need a Morgan 3-wheeler. Just think of all the fun you would have driving around a 3-Wheeler. You can even buy some silly hats and gloves.
Did that BMW dress up as a Ferrari for Halloween?
A jump box; LOL. Ok, go ahead- see if it’ll turn over. Go on. I want to see this. What’s that? Yes; of course I’ll hold your beer.
Cut out just like a bike seat to reduce pressure on my man-bits. I hope they put an A/C vent in there too.
That speed is the only thing more ambitious than this project.
Three words: Oscar Meyer Weinermobile.