
Sorry Internet. Can’t win them all.

You’re so clever.. You contemplated posting this ridiculously loose racial comment and then you did.. You are clearly an uneducated moron. How your comment came out the grey is beyond me. Obviously you are a white man. Go fuck yourself sir.

*do not correct me boy

Your reasoning might be sound yet you talk too fucking much. Rule #8765 means I just whipped your ass

How many editors didn’t spot the damn typo??

Correct, he is standing in the video...

You’re obviously confused..

Give me back the 38 seconds it took to read your idiotic story. Venmo me now.

You are welcome in my home any day. Punch and pie provided.

The effort was there Andrew. The effort was there.

As a Bears fan I couldn’t have been more impressed with Gase. He should have been a head coach last year. He’s on the cutting edge of offensive play calling and his work with Smokin’ Jay was comparable to teaching Mayweather read.

Should’ve had a V8 \_(ツ)_/

I personally believe that a banana is yellow.. The entire premise of the article was the irony of Cam’s reasoning.

Soooo you took time to write about Sacramento.. I took time to write this response.. Guess we both have time management issues