
Speaking of TBS, American Dad! is all new tonight too. But this site would sure love anything but to mention that.

The sight of his wound becoming human-sized as he coughed out pickle juice killed me too. It's little touches like that that make all the difference.

That's true, and it'll be interesting to see the true negative impact Rick had on her formative years. After all, it's not entirely Beth's fault she sucks as a parent.

Too bad Jaguar already killed Concerto.

"I think it's possible that you and your father have a very specific dynamic. I don't think it's one that rewards emotion or vulnerability. I think it may punish them. I think it's possible that dynamic eroded your marriage and is infecting your kids with a tendency to misdirect their feelings."
"Fuck you."

Fucking hell. Judging from that pic, this franchise has definitely done more harm than good to Tara Reid.

"Those fuckers are about to swarm us."
"We can hold them off."

"I will fight for the North…"
Well, that was easier than I…
"…when you bend the knee."
This fucking bitch.

"You are a shit mother."

Kind of a shame the show's turning out the way it is. At this rate, it's gonna be forgotten faster than Low Winter Sun.

American Dad! Discussion Thread: “The Bitchin’ Race”


My man!

The eye tattoo still on Summer's face as she gave Jerry that skull was probably my favorite touch.

I genuinely hope we keep getting new clips of that fake Regina Hall slave drama in every episode this season just to see how much more ridiculous it can get.

"Pilot," probably. Even the bug guard with a family dying at Morty's hands is mostly comical and doesn't light a fucking candle to the darker shit that soon follows.

"Come on, Morty. No union built on running from your problems lasts more than five years. Seven, tops."

"Hi, there, Summer. How were the ruins today?"
"Oh, you know, Eli. Same shit, different day."

Guess what else is new tonight? American Dad! Guess what site loves to continue ignoring it?

Who's to say he won't stumble upon Rick's Meeseeks box and work a bunch of Meeseeks to miserable exhaustion trying to make him a real boy?