
Giant Summer from later this season would crush them both with two steps.

"Jesus Christ, did the boomy-boom blow up all your wordy-word books?"

"Your feelings are not only forgivable, they are the very meaning of life that only pre-silicon carbon-based entities can ever grasp."

The wolf purposely spitting out the check and walking away had me on the floor. I will never get tired of Jerry's life being an endless cycle of misery.

His suffering is especially the wind's nourishment.

"Hey, who wants to go run in a stream?"
"What the fuck? No. D-do we have any oranges? I think I got a scurvy coming on."

"We can combine our strength and feast on the weak together."
"W-w-what in the hell are you saying?"
"They don't have to keep trying to kill us if we join them. They're basically pussies."

Missandei introducing Daenerys like a fucking pro and just leaving Ser Davos there to nervously improvising his ass off was pure gold.

Jon: "We're children, playing in a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair."
Daenerys: "Bitch, did you just call me a child?"


My heart goes out to the parents who'll have to sit through this rancid fucking meme garbage that has the nerve to call itself a movie. Eat a dick, Sony.

"You're no fucking fun, man."

Goddamn, this is a thorough fucking article.

"What's with the knife?"
"You shouldn't have to be a goddamn electrician to live in this house!"

American Dad! Discussion Thread: “The Life and Times of Stan Smith”

So I says to Mabel, I says…

Damn! There goes my daily American Dad! Netflix binge. Guess I gotta get Hulu now.

Melisandre and Lawrence ass shots on the same night is a gift to us all.

American Dad! is back with new episodes tonight, by the way. Because any site but this one would remember to announce that.

So fucking happy this show is finally back. And I love the continuation of those ridiculous shows the characters keep watching. Lawrence's friend reacting to that parody of a slave drama killed me.