
American Dad! Discussion Thread: “Kloger”

"I heard that they infuse a lot of their gins."
"Fuck gin, I want the horchata. Easy on the chata, heavy on the whore."

"Uncle Benjen, just climb behind me on the fucking horse!"
"Nah, I'm just gonna stay here and die."

You fucking had me at "Director: Steven Soderbergh."

The C must stand for "cringe." Jeez, this looks bad.

American Dad! Discussion Thread: “The Long Bomb”

That end tag was just gearing to be a disappointment.

Stealy seems to be in the same family as well. That irresistibly shrill Roiland voice really suits them equally well, though.

And the fact that his drunk self would go that far out of his way to ruin his grandson's rare choice of adventure just to prove another nihilistic point about why everything and everyone fucking sucks was the cherry on top.

"And also Hawaii."

Hey, what a surprise! American Dad! got another nonexistent shoutout this week!

"Like the cat? You tryna fuck a cat?"

"I think no matter what we put on there, we die. He said it's the part of the Vindicators he values. That means nothing. He wants our last moment alive to be spent knowing how few fucks he gave."

"Aloha means… has nothing to do with this room. [coughs] I'm so fucking drunk."

And don't forget, he's also the Goddamn President of the United Fucking States!

He also forgot about Million Ants in his list of Vindicators.

Mine was Vance Maximus, probably 'cause he was voiced by Christian Slater. But damn, was his death brutal, even by this show's standards.

He'll always be remembered for his redundancy.

I love how real and uncomfortable that got so fast. Seeing Rick try to justify himself like he gave a shit about what the Vindicators thought about him was unexpected but priceless.

"Damn, Grandpa Rick must've gotten shit-faced."