
Only watched a few minutes and bailed. Glad Evan Hansen won, but three straight hours of Kevin Spacey hosting anything is a pure fucking nightmare.

I lost my shit when he recommended taking down the Confederate Flag at the party, only for Selina to have the "Happy Birthday, Gary" banner taken down instead.

Almost as priceless was Gary's mom needing to be corrected about Marjorie being a woman.

I can already imagine a Pamela Adlon cameo with her kicking Jonah in the balls screaming, "That's my purse! I don't know you!"

"He's not Jewish yet, ma'am."
"Yeah, but I only have two months left of those Jiffy Jew classes. And after that, it's snip, snip, snip. And as an almost-Jew, I will not stand by with this anti-almost-Semitism."
"Why don't you take it up with the Anti-Defimation League?"
"The fuck is that?"

Just here for another reminder about a new American Dad! episode tonight. Carry on.

I wonder if he'll also have the same shit luck when it comes to the Hooli focus groups. I sure hope the answer is yes.

"I was going to descend onto the stage in a giant box. Boom! Jack-in-the-box. Then Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather were gonna come out and box over who was gonna take home the first new box! These are world-class puns! Now I got nothing!"

However many it is, not enough.

The fucked-up brutality of that fight scene, followed by the Asian kid's reaction, raised the grade to an A for me. Shit like that is where this show thrives.

There goes the greatest Batman and fictional Rhode Island mayor the world will ever fucking know.

And so it begins. Whatever happens in this final season, it just better involve a scorpion callback for Helena, or better yet, Alison and Donnie one-upping their iconic twerking.

The beat is fine, but the lyrics are absolute fucking pseudo-consious trash. And "Bon Appétit" is ironically the sonic equivalent of puking in your goddamn mouth and swallowing it back in.

And now she's doing this weird live-streaming Big Brother-type stunt all weekend to promote the album. This bitch is off her meds.

Well, that's certainly one way to lose your virginity.

"It's Aurora, Colorado out here and we're all in the movie theater!"

Who are you calling "It"?

Fuck Tom Cruise and fuck a Mummy franchise without Brendan Fraser.

That Christopher reference is way too eerily on-the-nose.

He's full of shit and he takes shits with the door open. Guess that means he also doesn't give a shit.