
That fucking fight scene in the forest was one of the best-choreographed things I've seen on TV in a long damn time. Now I'm hoping Nikki and Mr. Wrench survive to the finale so they can have their own spinoff.

"Why the fuck didn't you help him?!"
"Mother says violence begets violence."
"Your mother's an asshole."

American Dad! Discussion Thread: “Camp Campawanda”

This had me laughing the hardest:
"Damn, I can't keep this titty in to save my life."
"Bitch, get out of the street!"

Vic losing his shit came right the fuck out of nowhere and it was great. Sam Rockwell really was the perfect choice to voice him.

Goddamn! Choreography-wise, that slip was fucking perfection.

*cough* American Dad! is new too. *cough*

Well, that movie and this show both come from Mike Judge, so it wouldn't surprise me.

No one else could score that much pamplemousse LaCroix at an amaze-balls price.

So it's like if Vinyl and Crashing had a baby no one asked for. Yeah, it's gonna get cancelled faster than Roadies.

The best gag had to be Erlich mansplaining what mansplaining was to Monica. Shit like that just writes itself.

"See? This could have killed me. Now I can give it to Erlich."

Nora's description of what she experienced was vivid enough. Maybe the point is for us to fill in the blanks, like her Matt Libs obituary.

"We lost some of them. But over there, they lost all of us."

At least it's not "Michael Richards" bad.

"I'm just like Daddy going to one of his ghost meetings."

Really hope that last shot actually happened and wasn't just a dream, but this was still a solid finale. And I actually would wanna see that kind of show from Raven.

I tried with this guy, but holy shit, his songs are horrible. I'll take any one of the other "Lil" rappers over him any day.

They offer absolutely nothing to the show but cheap redneck jokes. Maybe if they were given some likable traits, they'd be tolerable, but nope.