
Finally, something about a powerful, overweight man-child who needs constant supervision that actually looks good.

Sy may be a pathetic piece of shit, but at least he's more of a human than Emmit.

"You should think of what you are doing. Man, alone, in a room full of books, talking to himself. In my country, we call such people bezumets."

Too bad she doesn't have the power to make Lebanon change its fucking mind.

The return of Bill's traumatized face after seeing Kevin jack off boosted it up to a B+ for me. And the racist menu items at the restaurant were gold (two clucks clams, priceless). Good to have you back, F is for Family.

American Dad! Discussion Thread: “Bazooka Steve”

Better Call Zircon would've been a great spinoff.

"And there you have it. Rose Quartz did it and that's Rose Quartz. I rest my case."
"Ugh, she's good."

Mike's hushed delivery of "I slept in that chair" was the cherry on top.

And the way he told Montez's "Gary" to tuck his badge into his jacket was the best.

Kent was on fire tonight, from immediately knowing the gender of the baby to showing off more of his creepy, Wikipedia-like memory.

"Birth gender isn't even that relevant. She/he will decide her/his ideal gender when she/he/is/are ready."
"Okay, is this how we're talking now, Marjorie, like some sort of bicurious Porky Pig?"

"Oh, Jesus Christ! I'm sorry, I can say that now and still get into heaven, right?"
"Actually, Jonah, Jews don't believe in heaven."
"Shut the fuck up, Nikhil!"

"He's too much of a pussy to go for my pussy."

And "writhing, piss-filled skin Twizzler" takes the grand prize for most horrifyingly descriptive.

"If we don't raise the debt ceiling, America's financial system is gonna go belly-up like what, Will?"
"Like my labradoodle, Teddy, when I cover his cock in honey and give him a sticky licky."

That thump better win a goddamn Emmy.

American Dad! is back with new episodes starting tonight too. Because of course it wouldn't be mentioned here.

But not as much as Jared.

"If a doctor pulls a baby out of a pregnant woman, the doctor doesn't get to then keep the baby."
"Okay, first of all, my ex-wife is fucking the doctor that delivered my son, and they're suing for full custody, so you're wrong."