
The real twist to The Sixth Sense we were all waiting for

"Gentlemen, language."

The Kevins
Identical Kevins all the way
One pair of matching bookends
Different as night and day

"It's good to face your fears. I was scared of intruders 'til I had one of those in my room, and then I realized, you know, if they're gonna kill me, they're gonna kill me. 'Cause he kept… whispering that."

Gilfoyle's "Shut up, Jared" was the icing on the cake.

Really dug the cinematic scope of this episode, especially with the opening credits, but goddamn, did it go to some heavy places. That "ripping Dev's heart out" sequence made for some much-needed comic relief.

"Nipples annnnnnd toes?"


And… T.J. Miller's not coming back next year. Fuck.

And that he didn't know if he was Jewish or not as he left a rock on his gravestone. That was a good bit.

Cheryl's capsule review of the season: no goddamn toast

The cherry on top was when she finally dropped the gun and it still shot Lana.

Jesus, that was a much darker finale than I thought we'd get. Lana getting repeatedly shot, Krieger's robot-dogs mauling Dutch then getting mauled by Zerk, Pam losing all of her Chinese whores. And to top it off, Archer's still in his damn coma! I don't know where the series will go from here, but I hope it involves

My heart pretty much stopped when Varga's Asian henchman appeared in the mirror.

Well, I gotta give it to the writers for nailing Ray's death, both in sheer unexpectancy and the fact that he would be fucking stupid enough to yank a giant glass shard from his neck and think he'd live.

I was laughing like crazy when I saw Aziz's dad's collection of random shit he pulled out of his patients. If anyone on this show deserves a spin-off, it's him.

See, Hollywood? This is why you shouldn't 21 Jump Street every goddamn cheesy show from the '80s. What's next? An R-rated Small Wonder?

I abandoned ship when Kiera Knightley left. Now it's just Johnny Depp being an annoying douche for two and a half hours.

"96%, is it really that high?"

This is beyond sickening. R.I.P. to the victims of this senseless fucking nightmare.