
I don't care when it comes. There just better fucking be a third season, period.

That entire deaf sequence was phenomenal. Everything from the immediate lack of sound once it started to the angry mother complaining about the couple's use of "vagina" around her impressionable kids was fucking flawless. And the way it ended with everyone going to see Death Castle was the cherry on top.


"Is my ass on fire?! Be honest!"
"A little bit, Teddy, a little bit."

"Hey, it's the Belchers!"
"We know them!"
"Wait, no, those are pickles."
"Hi, pickles!"

"It's not a race, Lin. It's a war."
"It's a race war!"

Apparently, dogs are just worthless in this show's universe.

And he'd still be a more competent leader than the one we have now.

"Ma'am, do you prefer Gram-Gram or Mee-Maw?"

"I want a new office."
"And I want Rihanna to put a gun to my head while she makes me eat her out, but guess what? That's about as likely to happen as Will's wife putting a baby in her polyp festival of a uterus!"

At least Selina made fun of Mike's wardrobe and choice of sunscreen.

I'm pretty sure she'd rather put a gun to her head and blow the trigger than be Jonah's veep.

Better than "yoloha."

"I would sooner gouge out your eye and fuck your skull… from here to the end of time. That's what we promised, that Jesus is our Lord."

"Back in America, people are always telling me to go back to Africa. I'm actually glad I did, 'cause it's magical out here."

Not to mention he has an impressive collection of kush named after famous Barbaras.

"What'd you say? YOU DICK! YOU DICK! YOU DICK! Fuck you."

"I borrowed your pills."

I guess Marge punting that chihuahua is the closest we're gonna get to her "Somebody throw the goddamn bomb!" outburst in the movie, huh?

She was severely underused in every episode, so this is for the best. Now if only Kenan could somehow fucking leave too.