
Decrease in Semen, Increase in Semen

Greene, Rocky, Perkins, me.

She's still ashamed of the C+ Perkins gave her latest episode.


I heard Hole in the Wall Where the Men Can See It All is next to go.

Except Baby Groot is likable and doesn't have a single creepy, dead-eyed expression when he dances.

Any questions?

Those songs were so god-fucking-awful, I had to mute them. And what was up with that creepy random kid showing up in the first number to do that stupid dance? If it weren't for the halfway-decent visual presentations, she would've beat The Chainsmokers as the season's worst musical guest.

"Xentrex gave me my life back. Hail Satan."

"But hopefully, no goddamn rain."

At least it's refreshing compared to all the other cringey pop shit released today.

Or maybe that was Aku's one final "fuck you" to Jack from beyond the grave.

Hopefully it means only the shitty PPG reboot never happened.

The first and only Samurai Jack character to say "penis." Truly an icon.

I'm just surprised she was able to stay alive long enough to fade away in her fiancé's arms on their wedding day in the most traumatic way possible.

"Now, take your pick. I'd be mighty proud."
"I cannot."
"What?! You're suddenly too good for me girls?!"

Could it have been stretched past a mere half-hour? Yes. Am I crushed that Ashi faded from existence? Hell fucking yes. But for all that we got in this final season, I really don't have a right to complain. Genndy gave us a one-of-a-kind masterpiece of television 16 years in the making, and to see it all come to such

Can't Disney just fire it by literally setting on fucking fire? That'd be one hell of a statement.

That final shot elevated this to an A- for me. Just an eerily realistic balance of disappointment and soul-crushing emptiness. Also, cool, a John Legend cameo.

Not having any more of those annual Totino's ads is the most depressing thing out of all of this.