
Damn, this fucking sucks. She better give us one last Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy or Laura Parsons on Weekend Update tonight.

Maybe if we all hate hard enough, we can kill Bill too.

I'm actually happy about this. It's a criminally underrated show with some pretty fucking hilarious dialogue, so it's nice to see HBO has faith in it to let it keep doing its thing.

How about fuck no?

This episode really did a good job at summing up why dating apps are the fucking worst at finding "true love"… or any kind of love, really.

Wouldn't it make more sense to make animated movies out of these books instead of recasting new actors for another instantly forgettable sequel nobody asked for? They're graphic novels for fuck's sake.

Don't forget "The Adventures of Dex and Cody."

"And here, I thought your signature move was blowing your load all over a woman's dress during foreplay."

And of fucking course Sy just left Nikki there like the pussy he is. Goddamn, was that scene of her getting into the car hard to watch. The reveal of her bruises in the tub somehow made it all even more chilling.

"My mom."

Meanwhile, Kenan remains under contract as Lorne's sex slave until the end of time.

I fucking hate talking dog shows but I love Allison Tolman. Goddammit, I'm conflicted.

Can we get a spinoff of Dev's dad out of this? Damn, he's such a fun character.

Really, Fox? You really had to greenlight a shit-tier Star Trek/Galaxy Quest ripoff from MacFarlane? You couldn't just fucking say no to him for once?

Please let Chad Kroeger be too.

"Yeah… no."

More like a Selinaboy.

Speaking of Amy, Selina straight-up destroyed her with this:
"Ma'am, it's normal to experience a temporary depression after a heart attack. I went through it with my father. He was unbearable."
"Trust me, Amy. It was not the heart attack that depressed your dad."

"You can chortle my balls."

I think it might be "Kool Aid," which is on the show's soon-to-be-released soundtrack.