
"Really? Butt-dick? The man's in pain."

The "your mom" joke was the icing on the "fuck you" cake, and that Danny Brown song blasting from the speakers was a nice touch.

"If I vote no, can I turn your drylands into wetlands?"
"Ugh, fine."
"Okay. Thanks, babe."
"Stop it. Clean this shit up."

His questions for Catherine and Marjorie about how to masturbate made so much sense for his character. For all we know, he might not've even put semen in that cup.

And we almost got a rape-orgy to boot. This show is just the right amount of fucking demented.

Everything Madame Tussaud's-related was fucking hilarious, especially:
"What? They have me next to Gerald Ford? Is this the hall of half-term wonders?"
"I thought that was Craig T. Nelson."

The constant shifting of Selina being friendly with Mike to her treating him like shit like before was what made it work so well. And that stable scene, holy shit!

"Why do we always have to raise the ceiling?"
"So you don't scrape your head, you giant barbecue fork."

"My family in Iowa was pretty religious. Grandma Splett always said that self-pleasure was a sin, like microwaves or laughter."
"Do you need a minute or…?"
"No. Worse comes to worst, I'll burn in hell like Grandma Splett."

I'm pretty sure Jared could easily slit Dennis' throat in his sleep if he wanted.

"Erlich was right. You are a white witch."

Matt telling that pimple/priest joke to get on the boat earned this an A alone, but that opening scene with the naked guy turning nuclear launch keys with his hand and foot took it to another level entirely. Can't believe we only have three episodes left of this spectacular show.

I'm a sucker for Eric's awkward line readings, and goddamn, this episode was full of 'em! Keep that shit coming, Master of None!

Not to mention Aku exploding Scaramouche's head after finding out Jack had his sword after all. That was just perfect, babe.

That… actually sounds like it could work. At this point, Jack can't really have his cake and eat it too. He can't be with Ashi and go back home, at least not without killing her and Aku. Damn, I hope there's some plot device that shows up to prove me wrong. I just wanna see my boy Jack happy.

It's damn near uncanny how much it sounds like Mako's Aku. He's definitely given the character justice.

A B+? Really?! That final scene was so well-built-up, so well-executed, and so goddamn devastating, it blew every other cliffhanger (on this or any other current show) out of the water. The first half was already effective on its own just so we could see the characters peacefully interacting with each other before the

And a Happy Mother's Day to Mamma GreeneLady!

By that logic, The Chainsmokers might as well be two Adams.

Beck's delivery of "Feast your ass on this" killed me.