
His terrified realization of seeing his name on the board as the head speaker after walking into class with a Double Gulp was perfect.

"It was like Avenue Q meets Caligula meets a fight outside of a Dairy Queen!"

I'm such a sucker for these three-act story episodes from the kids' perspectives, and this was one of the best to date. Louise's spaghetti western homage was especially great.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but Todd as a nurse felt like a great callback to Mel Rodriguez's role in Getting On.

"If you don't want that reporter to write a story titled Granite State Represented by Twinless Tower, then you better get over there, dip his cock in some maple syrup, and start sucking."

"I'm sorry, Mama. Bunny's late for middle school."

Marjorie immediately correcting Dan to tell him she was the "top" during sex was great too.

"I'm not gonna suck your dick! The only one who should be sucking your dick is Daylight Savings Time! And I don't give a fuck if that means some farmer in Kansas has to milk his cow using a fucking flashlight! I've had my own bedtime since I was 17! I didn't need a babysitter then and I don't need one now, and it's

"You still have my respect, don't you, boy?"
"Can't lose what you don't have."

"Do you know how much Ed Chen just fucked me with Laurie?"
"Listen, a threesome is always awkward, especially your first one."

"Discrimination is illegal!"

"It's illegal to travel out of the country with more than 10 grand."
"Why didn't you just give me half?"

"And your robe is gonna protect me?"
"Actually, it's a gi, AND YES!"

To be fair, those bitches were far too brainwashed to be turned to the good side like Ashi. He was kinda doing them a favor.

That rating really confused me too. Apparently, exposed animated female ass is still on the verge of family-friendly.

Come on, guys. It was pretty obvious Jack and Ashi were gonna hook up. And the road to that point was so damn worth it. Seeing him so out of his comfort zone, especially after seeing a naked woman for the first time, was a riot to watch, but the way that kiss set to Dean Martin came out of nowhere (and managed to pull

The girl's delivery of "We don't wanna find her" was perfect. All that elaborate setup for that one payoff, but it was worth it.


Can we just get a soundtrack of different hosts singing off-key made-up ballads with Cecily? These numbers just get more gloriously insane with every sketch, and Chris smashing his hand through a window was the cherry on top this time.

The detail of them competing for a trip with their mom to Sacramento was the icing on the cake.