
Literally. She's like a badass Tinkerbell in that new outfit.

That was a pretty fucked-up flashback on the verge of a TV-MA rating. And it basically means Ashi and her sisters were naked this whole time! This show, man.

"Wow, what a freak. Looked like a talking penis."

Didn't even know this was happening until a few days ago. Way to fucking promote it, CN. But even if this miniseries doesn't live up to "Islands," it's still great to have this show with us while we still have it.

Damn, this was a weird one, even by this show's standards, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Especially nice to hear Tom Scharpling as Jermaine again. But I could've done without seeing a nearly toothless PB. [shudders]

Shitting from your mouth probably tastes better.

I can already smell that Razzie just waiting for Heigl's no-talent ass.

Now to just destroy the lecherous cesspool that is Fox News altogether and we'll be on the right fucking track…

"You're my first Negroes."

Lana and Malory's exchanges were definitely a highlight of the night.

It was a piss de résistance.

Ewan McGregor's definitely giving Martin Freeman a run for his money in the "dumbass criminal" department. That bald cap really seals the fucking deal.

Also, this exchange:
"Now we’ll see how you like getting your tits screwed off for a change."
"Remember? ‘Cause you screwed his wife’s tits off."
"Damn it, Poovey!"
"What? Figuratively."

"What is it with you people and reefers?"
"Do you mean musicians or Negroes?"
"Pick one."

I love that Kiernan Shipka voiced the girl in that scene.

The fact that the first teaser for this show alone managed to piss off almost the entire fucking Internet in less than a day is one of many reasons why I can't wait for this. Also, the movie was pretty damn hilarious.

I just fucking love that we're in the middle of a Carrie Coonaissance with this and The Leftovers right now.

American Dad! Discussion Thread: “The Witches of Langley”

"No wonder Rebecca left you. What took her so long?"

Better yet, an Elijah and Athena Dante spin-off! Even if she's not a real person and just a figment of his imagination, it could fucking work!