
"I'm really, really fucking talented. I'm as talented as you say you are, that's how talented I am."
"Exactly. That's how you gotta be, man. It's never too late."
"Fuck you. I'm not that old."

"Man-on-fish porn. It's rather crude, but should get the job done."

"Fuck you, Marty. If I have to find my own projects and wait for you to field offers instead of drumming them up, I don't see the point in having an agent, or a room full of fucking agents. You're all fired!"

"Get on your knees."

Man, that therapist is a pro. Her urging Celeste to get the fuck out of that relationship and find an apartment was damn near applaud-worthy. And Jane and Renata setting aside their differences (at least for now) was also a nice surprise. But the reactions to Abigail's "project," especially Madeline's… those were

I especially loved the quick moment of the daughters in shock of seeing two deers show affection to each other. It's one thing that they've never seen an animal before, but that they've been raised their entire lives never knowing what love is, or any emotion besides anger and hatred, makes their situation that much

Another knockout of an episode! Jack taking the knife out of his gut was so goddamn hard to watch, and the flashback of his younger self seeing his dad kill for the first time worked both as a hidden moment from the original series and as a precursor to the action that followed.

Message to Hollywood: Stop fucking putting Kristen Bell's douchebag husband in movies.

Eh, I'll still probably see it for Elizabeth Banks hamming it up as Repulsa. She's gonna earn that Worst Supporting Actress Razzie.

Where the fucking fuck is the fourth season, though?!

"From the land of great czars! From the land of Sputnik! From the land of Perestroika!"
"Enough with the history lesson, you Russian asshole! Just get on with the show!"

But he'd still find a way to keep doing the show from the mental institution, presumably with A.J. standing outside the padded room he'd be locked in.

Forrest just standing there in total shock that she didn't complete the review just out of common fucking sense killed me. A.J. is the fucking best!

This was an even better finale than last year's. Christine and Ken make such a perfect couple, and her using the money she inherited from Meemaw to buy the rodeo opens up so many possibilities for the future of this beautifully bizarre little series.

Apparently, yes… unless the "Last Review" in the episode's title is just a big fucking twist (which I hope it is).

"Slapping a Stranger's Ass: I didn't do it!"

It's miles better than Views, and that's still not saying much.

And the Hawley train continues with Fargo back in a few weeks. FX is goddamn lucky to have him on their side.

Wow, this show is still a thing? Fox sure loves beating their dead horses.

"Wait, you're British?"
"Like I said, I'm your rational mind."