
"Evening. Even-ing. Making things even."

"It's like the diaries of a madman!"

American Dad's switch really was all for the better. Now we get two uncensored "shit" bombs and an "asshole."

So does this mean they'll have to give their Best Animated Feature Oscar to Kubo? One can only hope.


"And now I'm not hungry."

Agreed. It was such a strange mess of an episode, and it really pissed me off that the writers just completely did away with Ghost Sinbad entirely and left him trapped on the ship. It's cool Jeff's back, but the way it happened was a slap in the face.

"Ma'am, I talked to the chef. There's no cream in the soup, just like you asked for." Xanaduuuuuuu…

[smiling] "OK."

"Come on, drink it like a bird!"

"IN THE ELF CONDOM. What does it mean?"
"I'll tell you what it means. It means we're looking for a horny midget who plays it safe."

Try Pibb Xtra!


"It's true what they say about geologists. They're the coolest, sexiest men alive."

My most recent (and possibly favorite) go-to Bullock line:
"I going to fuck this fucker in the tushie! Hand me the anal-tarring brush!"

"Future senator? Oh, I will fucking chop his head in two!"

That pepper ran out of spice years ago.

I'd much rather forget "Stan Goes on the Pill" exists. I don't need to relive seeing Bullock make out with Stan as a woman again.

"It was Hideki. Hideki got shot."

"A whole island made out of fire? How manly."