
"Bitch, what did I just say?"

"I'm gonna cook y'all a hell of a meal today, right after me and this here reindeer make sweet, tender love. Merry Christmas, everybody!"

Maybe baby.

Stan stretching his legs out on the La-Z-Boy kills me every time.

I'm so glad someone else agrees it's not a bad episode. It's so wonderfully bizarre and purposely goes off the rails due to this billionaire's insane ego and constant product placements that I can't help but enjoy watching the entire episode collapsing in on itself. As far as experimental half-hours go, this one's a

The fact that he was basically talking to Eartha Kitt somehow made it all the funnier.

"We're gonna have lots of babies."
"No, no, no, no, no." [pushes her into the water]

Pump it up, pump it up, pump it up!

"Signed, John Travolta."

The race to the car easily topped the playground scene for me just for Stan singing along to "Drops of Jupiter." Also, this gem of a line:

"Yeah, that's right, while I was doing her! BA-BOOM!"

Don't forget his song:

"You know I don't like time-based comedies, Mannequin 2 being the obvious exception."

"Their ghosts are dancing all around me, popping and locking mostly."

"I wanted to have another baby, but her uterus was polluted from all the syphillis."

It really hasn't gotten better over time either. It has all the pointlessly stereotypical hallmarks of a typical Family Guy episode. Definitely one to actively avoid.

"Hamburger Hinderer…"

Wow… that actually does sound really good.

I just love that there's an entire running gag of Stan constantly blowing out his sphincter.

"The theatre can be such a lonely place…"