
I'm kinda surprised they haven't hate-fucked each other at this point. They're more grotesquely compatible than any other guy on this show.

She's always been criminally overlooked as an actress, but this was such a huge standout for her. She perfectly depicted the mix of not giving a fuck and living with the fear of being alone the rest of her life any woman in her situation would feel. Probably my favorite performance of the season.

They were both narcissistic as hell tonight, but Marnie blew me away with how little sympathy she could muster for Ray and his situation, even having the fucking nerve to call his talk about death "clichéd." I don't know how the writers plan on trying to redeem this bitch, but that might be next to impossible now.

Up to that fight, Elijah was on a fucking roll.

Hannah's list was easily the visual highlight for me. That she forgot about a guinea pig for six weeks is kind of a red flag, though.

"I'm gonna say this to your face, 'cause no one else will have the guts to: You're gonna be a terrible mother."

"They put sunglasses on the astronaut guy… and gave him frosted tips?!"

Really enjoyed the hell out of this one. Between Linda's candy addiction and that Bob/Teddy golf cart getaway, I was laughing all the way through. And making Ferdinand a recurring character would be pretty cool too.

So… never?

You've been Simpson'd!

Seeing Hannibal Buress in this episode really made me wish he had a show like this, or anything other than the one he had on Comedy Central that nobody remembers.

And she apparently poured it in the Pepsi she drank. Hell, I'd drink it too if that were the recipe.

I had a feeling Lewis was never gonna be a permanent character, but fuck, I still wasn't fucking prepared for that crash. We've already been through a few losses on this show, but this one stung really hard. Fingers crossed this means Wiig will join the gang even sooner.

"I haven't seen this much shit since my last bowel movement."
"What year was that?"

"All sport stories have an upside, unless you're a Detroit Lions fan."

"The saviors are coming!"

"Personally, I'd rather shove an electric eel up my ass and have it gnaw through my intestines than sit down with you and fucking Psycho Ed. But you know what? I'll do it, 'cause that's the kind of fucking fucked-up fuckshit father I am."

This is just turning out to be a watered-down Drunk History without any of the fun or self-awareness. Won't be surprised if it shows up on Fox's cancellation list come May.

Even dropping Workaholics during its final season made no fucking sense. This site's logic is just one big clusterfuck.

Tom Kenny's voice acting is so damn versatile, he can make even the scummiest villains likable, and man, was this guy especially fun.