
It's fucking incredible that this show's even back, let alone with ten more episodes to properly end it. And holy shit, has it changed for the better. The animation's cleaner, the stakes are higher, and Jack with a beard makes him look way more badass than he ever did. I love how they're putting a big emphasis on his

Of course he was scared. He was going to the animal pornographer next.

Brocc, Mr., Perks, Rock.

"Oh, lawdy, I must be in heaven!"


I had a lot of fun with this episode. Yeah, it was messy, but the sketches were way more hit than miss (the return of Kate's blobfish mermaid, Shud, was especially welcome). Hell, I'd even bump it to a B for Beck's immediate reaction to that dog taking his helmet off mid-skit.

That creepy head turn and smile killed me. Pairing that with Charlyne Yi's innocent voice was so unsettling in the best way.

Damn! Just when I was ready to see Navy become a Crystal Gem, the adorable little bitch shows her evil side. Like she said that one time, "What a turn of events!"

Fuck, that's great news! But the real question is, why the fuck has regular coverage been dropped? Could've at least warned us first.

"They took everything we had. But my mom sat me down and told me there was one thing they couldn't take from me."

I fucking lost it when started popping some Xanax and cursing at AAA when his car wouldn't start. This show's cameos have been the best.

Here's some more:

Hello Ladies?

It's not beer, but if I see that Mila Kunis Jim Bean commercial one more fucking time, I'm gonna break my TV.

The awkward pause moment not clicking with the rest of the gang killed me. Even to the end, they find new ways to piss Dennis off.

If this ends up being the actual finale of this fantastic little series, it went out perfectly. Josh's journey from being a depressed loner to a happily married man has been equal parts surreal, relatable, and just fucking hilarious, and that it introduced us to Kate Findlay should be praiseworthy in itself. It's

Somebody give Aubrey Plaza a damn Emmy and the FX CEO of Ass a fucking raise. I just want this show to keep violating my mind and creeping the living shit out of me forever.

I knew that's where I recognized that kid. God, he has such an easily punchable face.

"Oh, no, I've lost my lover! I need a new gimp!"

I'm pretty much just in this for John C. Fucking Reilly. I hope he Steve Brules the hell out of his role.