

I'd bump it to a B- just for Kate as Kellyanne showing up in random bumpers reenacting "Couchgate." For an episode that sure as hell needed more of her, those reveals were still fucking worth it.

Of quartz that's what it was.

"It's like the sequel no one asked for."

Not my favorite Randy Marsh single, but I can fuck with it. "Feeling Good (On a Wednesday)" will always be his best work.

"We're not our parents."

I hope Octavia baked the entire cast and crew some good ol' shit pies after walking away with that paycheck.

Even everyone in that header image looks like they'd rather be in anything other than this boring-looking shitfest.

For a bitch, she sure was sweet.

"Tell me something. Do they still, uh… is free love still a thing? Are girls in summer dresses with no bra?"

"Hey, you know, I'm making a movie with Bugs Bunny."

Five-second rule applies too, obviously.

The Lady and the Tramp noodle kiss was a pretty big giveaway.

I don't know what was better: Scut Farkus playing Cricket's brother or Belle turning out to be a dog. Scratch that. Cricket being a parkour master again was the best fucking thing out of all of this! Bless that lovable PCP-addicted son of a bitch.

Meanwhile, Kenan will continue being Lorne's sex slave for the rest of his life.

Now I have to see this, as if the trailers hadn't already convinced me. Professor X dropping some good ol' F-bombs is gonna be fucking glorious!

I'd give the whole thing a C overall. Probably a B if there was more Jonathan Pryce.

By next year, we'll be calling it Disney XXX.

R.I.P. Winston and Cece's mess-arounds

Let alone prosthetic boners that roll limply out of a zipper hole.