
Fuck yeah! Randy Marsh is back with new music! Ya ya ya!

A horror movie from Jordan Peele? Hell the fuck yeah, I can't wait to see this! Fingers crossed Key has some kind of ridiculous cameo.

I wouldn't put it in my top three of the season, but the gags were definitely top-notch. Frank eating the "anthrax" before it was revealed to be powdered sugar killed me.

I'm already imagining that as a line from a fucked-up Dr. Seuss book.

This episode alone is probably gonna give me consistent nightmares for the next week and I don't mind one goddamn bit. Fuck, I love this crazy-ass show!

Pound… carrot

"So, uh, you're gay, huh? For pay or for free?"
"Uh, for free, I guess."

Seems like there should be a sequel to this called My Life as a Serial Killer. Now that I would pay double the money to see.

Frankly, these reviews are more entertaining than the entire show has been. But for a series that's so fucking tedious to sit through, it sure as hell continues to have great production value. The costume and scenery designers should win some type of Emmy or something.

“You’re sorry? You should be because, baby doll, you just got Aly'd!"

This was a pretty easy renewal. The show's funny as hell and Kaitlin Olson's a foul-mouthed fucking treasure.

Is there any fucking episode where Elijah doesn't shine like the take-no-shit-from-anyone motherfucker he is?

Maybe he'll bring his boy "Alessio" with him.

"And that little boy who didn't make the basketball team was me."

Definitely feel like this should be Artie Lange's show rather than Pete Holmes'. That guy's a fucking riot. But hey, I'll take what I can get.

"Overnight mail, ooh."
"Just when you thought the mail couldn't get any sexier."
"Dad's an overweight male. Is that kinda the same thing?"

Well, that certainly was one hell of a cliffhanger, especially for a show that probably won't even get a second season. But hey, if this does turn out to be the series finale, at least it ended better than it began.

Marnie's just too addicted to having constant drama in her life to give a fuck about someone as stable as Ray anymore. Jessa's still the fucking worst in my eyes, but Marnie's refusal to stay content with anything, let alone learn from her mistakes, makes her a lost cause.

"Alright, you fucking babies! Fucking let me in or I'm-I'm coming down the goddamn chimney! You hear?! Like fucking Santa Claus! You hear me?! I'm gonna goddamn fucking do it! I'm gonna spread Santa's shit all over this motherfucking pussy party!"
"Can we just give him his pills? I mean, honestly."

I'll take Game of Elijah's over that any fucking day.