

It was his bare-ass walk away from Hannah in the first scene that killed me.

The Trump gag during Lisa's hat montage gave me a chuckle, as did the couch gag, but this episode was all-around forgettable.


"And now she and Desi are seriously considering trying anal."
"He's not getting anything up Marnie's ass."

"Why'd you go?"

My top moment:
"So, he's back from the spa, huh?"
"No, I said space."

I thought this was much higher than a B. Steven coming to the conclusion that his entire existence was the result of his mom running away from the shit she caused is damn heavy stuff for any show, let alone one for kids, and I thought it was handled very well. It's just incredible how good this series is at stirring

This piece of shit is gonna do gangbusters in China (obviously), but it's probably gonna be a bomb of Ben-Hur proportions over here.

Shit literally hit the fan.

"You're free to do whatever you want, Malcolm X."

More Emo Jughead, less Archie-molesting Grundy. 'Kay, Riverdale?

Except Dale would just flip the table three minutes in and start blasting "Dog Days Are Over" again.

"Well, we went to the Ronald Reagan Library, and he put his hand on my back."
"That usually means they wanna get naked with you."

Yeah, this didn't look all that good from the start, but hey, at least Tracy Morgan's in something again.

"I was in 'Nam for a while. A private sector, mostly. I did shoot a couple of dinks who tried to jack some sneakers off the factory floor. No big deal. I don't feel nothin' about it."

That she happily accepted it made the ending all the better. Feels good to see her get the last laugh for a change, especially for something that fucked up.

Her way of going about it was classic Dee too. And of course it backfired with Dennis and Charlie.

So glad they're using Plaza's character in ghost form. Who knew she'd be even more fun to watch dead?

"Shut the fuck up, Watson, you stupid sack of shit! What do you even do?! If I fired you right now, what would it say on your résumé? Sat around and said dumb shit all day? I'm Watson! By Jove, by Jove! I got my dick stuck in a bottle!"