
Frank continuing not to give a fuck about killing kids was great too. Hell, he's already admitted to putting them in soup.

"That's your rock bottom: you sticking your dick in your daughter's face, you son of a bitch!"

The only Conway I ever wanna see on a daily basis is in McKinnon form, thank you very fucking much.

Wait, that wasn't the real Bannon on SNL all along?

The fact that this show's still getting covered by a reviewer who hates it so much is probably the reason I keep coming back.

"You bought a bobcat costume before you bought a real one. You really toe the line between sweetness and insanity."

Now that was a finale. Never would I have guessed Lenny - fucking Lenny - would tell his followers to smile. Not to mention that little Cherry Coke Zero callback in the café was perfect. If this is the end of this beautifully bizarre series, it was one hell of a ride.

I just want Pocket-Sized Rudy to come back so they can show how pocket-sized he really is.

All he needs now is a purse and somebody he doesn't know.

[carrying printer]
"I'm taking this home to fix it."

I didn't think Desi could get more fucking repulsive, but this episode proved me wrong.

"There's gonna be some profanity coming atcha, so cover your ears if you can't handle the B-word!"

"I just haven't been myself since the breakup. I mean, it's not like me to sleep outside someone's house or steal someone's dog or pee on someone's mail and then watch them open it and laugh when they eat a breakfast sandwich with that same hand."
"No, you wouldn't do those things."
"But I did! I did those things!"

Even Adele knew Beyoncé should've won. Leave it to the fucking Grammys to go with the safest vanilla choice.

And Hannah wins for the WTF line of the week:
"I read Shailene Woodley likes to go to a private area, open her vagina, let the sun in, and that's how she gets her glow. So when she goes to, like, Insurgent premiere, that's not makeup, that's sun in her pussy."

Even the straight community doesn't want him back.

"For your information, this is what adult women look like when they're using their pubic hair the way that, like, whatever, the Lord intended, which is to protect their vagina, so thank you for pointing that out."

She picked up too many habits from Desi, didn't she?

I also find it hilarious he's a gluten-free nut too.

So this is it. The final season of Elijah and his amazing one-liners, and I already fucking know it's not gonna disappoint.